Heart to Heart was once again blown away by the generosity of all our Sponsors and Partners who ensured the success of our Christmas Party. On Saturday, 30 November 2019 we had our Annual Orphaned and Vulnerable Children’s Christmas Party at Milkwood Primary, for 170 children. This is a day where kids come to just be kids, where they can to play, laugh and grow!
Each child was blessed with a Christmas box filled with goodies especially for them. A private sponsor bought each girl a Netball and each boy a Rugby ball!
A huge thank you to all our Sponsors: Oasis Water, Bay loans, Garden of Eden berries, Remax, Pam Golding, Louis 57 Foundation, SBS Brokers, Sharleen Bakery, Masshire, New Life Church, Milkwood Primary, Sharleen’s Bakery and to all the volunteers who contributed either through volunteering on the day, filling a Christmas box or giving financially. We truly ended 2019 on a high note end we are excitedly expectant for 2020!
If you would like more information on Heart to Heart and what we do, please feel free to call us on 044 693 0828. Or visit our offices at New Life Church, 68 Apiesdoring Street, Heiderand (Office hours: 8:30-16:00)